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11 Anchorage Tutor Jobs Found
Katie T
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
Anchorage, Alaska Tutor Needed - $20/hr - Flexible Hours
Are you a skilled tutor with a passion for helping others succeed? I'm on the lookout for a dedicated tutor to assist me in reaching my acad...
Are you a skilled tutor with a passion for helping others succeed? I'm on the lookout for a dedicated tutor to assist me in reaching my academic goals. I am located in Anchorage, Alaska, and I am willing to pay $20 per hour for your expertise.
I am in search of a knowledgeable individual who is proficient in a variety of subjects, including math, science, and English. As a cli...
Nate D
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
I am current US Army soldier stationed in Alaska
I am looking to learn conversational Russian. I have minimal experience with the language but I can read and write print- not cursive.
I am looking to learn conversational Russian. I have minimal experience with the language but I can read and write print- not cursive.
Alexis B
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
Looking For Japanese Help. Salary Negotiable.
Looking to learn Japanese & have someone supplement self study. I am a beginner so someone fluent in the language would be most helpful.
Looking to learn Japanese & have someone supplement self study. I am a beginner so someone fluent in the language would be most helpful.
Rate negotiable.
Hawa T
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
I am seeking a fluent Arabic speaker from North Africa that has an interest in working with a five year old towards fluency
Letters, writing, reading, speaking, listening, pronunciation and Quran are the topics we seek tutoring for
Letters, writing, reading, speaking, listening, pronunciation and Quran are the topics we seek tutoring for
Melanie R
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
Native Russian speaker needed for tutoring!
Looking for a native Russian speaker to tutor a 7 year old child in beginning-level Russian 3-5 times per week.
Looking for a native Russian speaker to tutor a 7 year old child in beginning-level Russian 3-5 times per week.
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Tanya N
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
Determined 3rd grader wants to test into the immersion program. I am offering $25/hr plus a bonus if he passes his test.
I am looking for someone who can dedicate time to my son to teach him Japanese reading, writing and speaking to about a third grade level. T...
I am looking for someone who can dedicate time to my son to teach him Japanese reading, writing and speaking to about a third grade level. The person I need is someone who knows what they are talking about who can be strict. My son will rise to your expectations.
Yesfira S
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
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Hello my name is Yesfira, I want to learn to be able to read and write in Russian fluently and am looking for someone to teach me.
Hello my name is Yesfira, I want to learn to be able to read and write in Russian fluently and am looking for someone to teach me.
Rosemarie V
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
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Looking for a Japanese tutor
I am currently trying to learn Japanese, for work purposes. I need help starting . my current level - beginners
I am currently trying to learn Japanese, for work purposes. I need help starting . my current level - beginners
Isa O
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
An eager language learner seeking a new challenge with Russian
I love learning languages, and something about Russian just draws me. I've been doing some very, very basic study using Mango Languages, but...
I love learning languages, and something about Russian just draws me. I've been doing some very, very basic study using Mango Languages, but I am eager for something more in-depth.
Rachael N
Anchorage, Alaska
Active over a week ago
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Dutch Language Tutor Wanted!
Hello there,
My name is Rachael and I am seeing a native Dutch, or proficient Dutch, language tutor. I currently have Rosetta Stone, but...
Hello there,
My name is Rachael and I am seeing a native Dutch, or proficient Dutch, language tutor. I currently have Rosetta Stone, but sometimes have troubles keeping myself motivated and accountable! So I'd like to supplement that with face to face lessons with a real, live human being! I am currently enrolled at UAA and upon my graduation, in approximately two years, I...
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