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4 Athens Tutor Jobs Found
Chandler A
Athens, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Student at UGA
Need a physics tutor to help with my current physics class I am taking at UGA. I have a lab & class and need help with both. First test I...
Need a physics tutor to help with my current physics class I am taking at UGA. I have a lab & class and need help with both. First test I received an 85- now I am completely lost and am spending too much time trying to understand material. Need assistance as soon as possible before next test.
Kabirah E
Athens, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Ga real estate pre-licensing student
Hello I’m a nurse of 15yrs, I’ve recently decided to switch careers and embark on the Ga real estate career. Although I passed the course Fi...
Hello I’m a nurse of 15yrs, I’ve recently decided to switch careers and embark on the Ga real estate career. Although I passed the course Final I’m having difficulty with the actual licensing exam. I did my course online and teaching myself hasn’t been the easiest. I hope to find someone to help me better understand the material and the different ways to apply it to the test qu...
Becky H
Athens, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Need music theory tutor
I need a music theory tutor for my daughter who is a student at UGA. I can't think of much more to say to fulfill the character requirement.
I need a music theory tutor for my daughter who is a student at UGA. I can't think of much more to say to fulfill the character requirement.
Chris G
Athens, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Microeconomics help/tutor needed
I am looking for someone to help with an online Micro Economics class. Please call or email or text.
Would like someone to help with tests...
I am looking for someone to help with an online Micro Economics class. Please call or email or text.
Would like someone to help with tests over next 3-4 weeks.
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