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7 Cambridge Tutor Jobs Found
Jake W
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Javascript/Jquery Tutor Needed (Beginner)
Hi there,
I'm working towards my Masters in Digital Media Design at the Harvard Extension School, and need to take some computer science...
Hi there,
I'm working towards my Masters in Digital Media Design at the Harvard Extension School, and need to take some computer science courses to fulfill my requirements. I'm a complete beginner, and am in the middle of a Fundamentals of Website Development Class, where we have been learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I am roughly getting HTML and CSS, but I need help with...
Aaron C
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
Need AIME/AMC tutor
Need AIME/AMC tutor for a kid at grade 11 in Boston. Distant teaching is acceptable. Current score is AMC 12 A -118.
Need AIME/AMC tutor for a kid at grade 11 in Boston. Distant teaching is acceptable. Current score is AMC 12 A -118.
Elizabeth T
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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University Level Economics Help
I have the study room at my university booked tonight (Feb 9) from 7pm to 9pm EST and would like to go over some past exam questions for my...
I have the study room at my university booked tonight (Feb 9) from 7pm to 9pm EST and would like to go over some past exam questions for my upcoming Economics midterm. My professor posts them online but without solutions so I don't know if I'm doing it right...
Since I only have the room for a limited period of time, would it be possible for me to just send you the questions...
Paul B
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Graduate Statistics with Measure theory
I am looking fora tutor in graduate statistics course with measure theory.
You you will tutor a graduate student who already has a B.S in...
I am looking fora tutor in graduate statistics course with measure theory.
You you will tutor a graduate student who already has a B.S in math.
He is in a graduate school in a top college, but looks like his undegrad math degree is lacking good statistics knowledge.
Dave F
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Looking for a Spanish Tutor
I would like a tutor who can help me with conversational Spanish. Although I studied Spanish in school, I am an awful Spanish speaker. I w...
I would like a tutor who can help me with conversational Spanish. Although I studied Spanish in school, I am an awful Spanish speaker. I work in Cambridge, MA and it would be ideal if I could meet someone once a week or so during my lunch hour or maybe after work.
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Jennifer M
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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I'm looking for a part time math tutor 5th grade
We are looking for a math tutor for our 5th grade daughter. Twice a week, about an hour a time. We live close to central square Cambridge.
We are looking for a math tutor for our 5th grade daughter. Twice a week, about an hour a time. We live close to central square Cambridge.
Alo7. C
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
On Line English Teaching / Tutoring Needed
Company: Alo7.....
Company Summary:
ALO7 is the largest digital ELT (English Language Teaching) product and solutio...
Company: Alo7.....
Company Summary:
ALO7 is the largest digital ELT (English Language Teaching) product and solutions provider in China with more than 10M registered users and more than 2,000 training school partners. We are revolutionizing the way English is learned and taught throughout China, from how schools are managed to how schools and homes are...
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