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2 Costa Mesa Tutor Jobs Found
Faizah D
Costa Mesa, California
Active over a week ago
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2 Boys And Lot's Of Tutoring!
We are searching for NATIVE speakers to tutor our 2 boys, ages 6 and 7, at home located in Costa Mesa (Orange County) in the following langu...
We are searching for NATIVE speakers to tutor our 2 boys, ages 6 and 7, at home located in Costa Mesa (Orange County) in the following languages: Mandarin (Simplified), Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese.
Our family goal is for our sons to learn how to speak, read and write in a fun manner, with activities and immersion style learning.
Jess A
Costa Mesa, California
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Specialists in OC for Bright Kids Struggling in School
Lexia Learners provides one-one tutoring to children and adults who are suspected to be or diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia,...
Lexia Learners provides one-one tutoring to children and adults who are suspected to be or diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing Delay or similar neurological based learning differences. If you are passionate about helping people who learn differently, we provide students, training and all tools/materials needed.
At least two years...
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