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3 Decatur Tutor Jobs Found
Megan J
Decatur, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Computer Organization
I need help bringing order to my computer files and understanding best file storage methods. What are all these files that have numbers only...
I need help bringing order to my computer files and understanding best file storage methods. What are all these files that have numbers only? Why do some things get saved in an Outlook Temp folder and where is it? What habits can I create to have better access to my files?
Sah X
Decatur, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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We need a tutor for 5th grade GA milestone prep
Ready to start ASAP. 5th grade milestone prep. 5th grade milestone preparation needed. Ready to hire
Ready to start ASAP. 5th grade milestone prep. 5th grade milestone preparation needed. Ready to hire
Shayna T
Decatur, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Math And Reading Comprehension Help!
I am currently searching for reading comprehension and math assistance for my daughter. She is a struggling 11th grader with lack of organ...
I am currently searching for reading comprehension and math assistance for my daughter. She is a struggling 11th grader with lack of organization and no idea how to study. She is very eager to learn but losing confidence daily with constant failing grades this year. She has the potential to do well given the right tools.
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