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2 Dover Tutor Jobs Found
Saudia D
Dover, Delaware
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Needed in Dover, Delaware - $19/Hourly
Looking for a tutor in Dover, Delaware? Hi there! My name is Saudia, and I am currently seeking a tutor who can help my child with English,...
Looking for a tutor in Dover, Delaware? Hi there! My name is Saudia, and I am currently seeking a tutor who can help my child with English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in these subjects and be able to effectively communicate and engage with my child. I am willing to pay $19.0 per hour for the right person.
If you hav...
Kmiyah B
Dover, Delaware
Active over a week ago
I’m am K’Miyah Bannister stationed in the Fort Riley US Army Attending Barton college for my associate of science
I need help with grammar I’m taking ENG 1199. I failed the accuplacer test to take English composition l
I need help with grammar I’m taking ENG 1199. I failed the accuplacer test to take English composition l
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