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6 Downey Tutor Jobs Found
Johanna C
Downey, California
Active over a week ago
Looking for a tutor for my 14 year old son with speech impediment/ special education
My son currently has a Ed plan ( IED plan) at school and would like some extra practice on all academic subjects to improve before he begins...
My son currently has a Ed plan ( IED plan) at school and would like some extra practice on all academic subjects to improve before he begins high school. Would prefer a male tutor.
Martha L
Downey, California
Active over a week ago
Affordable math tutor for 13 year old.
I am looking for an affordable tutor to help my 13 year old daughter with math. She was never able to grasp multiplication or division so no...
I am looking for an affordable tutor to help my 13 year old daughter with math. She was never able to grasp multiplication or division so now her work is extremely frustrating for her because she does not understand.
Estela R
Downey, California
Active over a week ago
I’m a mother of an 11yr old boy who needs tutoring asap
I need an experienced trusted honest tutor to come into our home and help our 11yr old
I need an experienced trusted honest tutor to come into our home and help our 11yr old
Jazmin C
Downey, California
Active over a week ago
Parents of a 5th grader.
We are looking for a homework help tutor for our 5th grader who will come to our home several days a week, and complete all daily math and e...
We are looking for a homework help tutor for our 5th grader who will come to our home several days a week, and complete all daily math and english homework.
Patricia P
Downey, California
Active over a week ago
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This tutoring is for my friend's son.
He's a High School student who needs help as soon as possible. He' having trouble with math and other subjects.
He's a High School student who needs help as soon as possible. He' having trouble with math and other subjects.
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Sergio L
Downey, California
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Private & Group Tutoring
Summer vacation is around the corner! I will be offering summer tutoring sessions. Just to give students a head start.
Projects in (Engli...
Summer vacation is around the corner! I will be offering summer tutoring sessions. Just to give students a head start.
Projects in (English, History, Science and Math) this is a 30 hr program but I'm willing to work with any hours. (& availability)
(K-8) $15/hr & (9-12) $20 "prices are negotiable"
Contact me at (323) 42...
-Sergio Lopez
(I have experience workin...
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