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2 Fairfield Tutor Jobs Found
Ty R
Fairfield, California
Active over a week ago
My son attends the immersion program. He is in need of. A bilingual tutor for an upcoming third grader
My son attends the immersion program. He is in need of. A bilingual tutor for an upcoming third grader
Rikki L
Fairfield, California
Active over a week ago
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Need A Fluent Spanish Tutor
Looking for a fluent spanish tutor over the summer for my son who is in a spanish immersion program in 2nd grade.
Wanting someone to conv...
Looking for a fluent spanish tutor over the summer for my son who is in a spanish immersion program in 2nd grade.
Wanting someone to converse with him in spanish while doing daily tasks such as playing shopping cooking coloring etc. So he can grow his conversational spanish skills and not lose any skills over the summer break.
2-3 days a weeks 60-90 minutes a day.
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