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5 Fredericksburg Tutor Jobs Found
Treasure T
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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looking for an English 12 tutor
Hi im 19 and really want to finishes high school this year . Im looking for someone that knows English 12 and that wold meet me or come to m...
Hi im 19 and really want to finishes high school this year . Im looking for someone that knows English 12 and that wold meet me or come to my house at lest twice a week. i can pay you at a decent pries. if your interested pleas call me at 352-2...
Kimberly G
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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French 101 tutor
Looking for a French tutor in the spotsylvania, Fredericksburg or mineral area. Prefer to be tutored in person one on one. Great opportunity...
Looking for a French tutor in the spotsylvania, Fredericksburg or mineral area. Prefer to be tutored in person one on one. Great opportunity for high school or college student to make some extra money.
Jason T
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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GMAT Tutor needed
Good Day, I am in need of a GMAT tutor. I will be taking the test in 40 days and am scoring in the mid to high 600s currently. I would li...
Good Day, I am in need of a GMAT tutor. I will be taking the test in 40 days and am scoring in the mid to high 600s currently. I would like to score a 730 but need to increase my quant score (41) and clean up my sentence correction. I am open to online tutoring as well as in person tutoring. Please contact me if you are interested we can discuss price then.
Bethany J
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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Looking to partner with local tutors to provide schooling assistance to relocating families
Utilize your local knowledge while easing the transition for newcomers in your community as a Destination Services Consultant (DSC). DSCs pr...
Utilize your local knowledge while easing the transition for newcomers in your community as a Destination Services Consultant (DSC). DSCs provide ½ - 6 days of accompanied assistance, delivering a wide variety of services including:
Contracted to assist employees of global corporations moving to the U.S. due to job assignment, the Dwellworks national network of Destination Ser...
Treasure Q
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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Looking for a tutor
I'm looking for someone that knows math and English that can come over at lest twice a week to help me do my online schooling. I'm 19 and I'...
I'm looking for someone that knows math and English that can come over at lest twice a week to help me do my online schooling. I'm 19 and I'm willing to pay you but I don't have the much to give. I would love to graduate in the next 4 months. So if your interested please call or txt me 35221098...
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