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7 Fresno Tutor Jobs Found

Sandra b

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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Law school student
Hello. I am looking for supplement help for law school. Mostly in writing skills. Ideally I'd like about 3 hours of help every few weeks.
Hello. I am looking for supplement help for law school. Mostly in writing skills. Ideally I'd like about 3 hours of help every few weeks.

Francisco Z

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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I need a tutor struggling really bad
I am currently a pre med student but the math I am taking is basic I don’t have trouble with the science lol only math and a few other subje...
I am currently a pre med student but the math I am taking is basic I don’t have trouble with the science lol only math and a few other subjects

Brittany G

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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Math Tutor (CBEST math prep)
Hello, I am currently looking for a tutor to help me prep for the math section of the CBEST. Math is not my most favorite subject and would...
Hello, I am currently looking for a tutor to help me prep for the math section of the CBEST. Math is not my most favorite subject and would like to pass the math section of the CBEST on my 2nd attempt. I prefer a female tutor but open to male tutors as well. If interested please contact me and we could discuss your rate. Thank you!

Jarred S

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Tutor needed for CSET ENGLISH subtest 1,2,3,4
I am studying for the English single subject CSET EXAM I,II,III,IV. I have taken the first two exams and failed. I have a text book I am stu...
I am studying for the English single subject CSET EXAM I,II,III,IV. I have taken the first two exams and failed. I have a text book I am studying from but do not understand the material. These tests are becoming expensive and I need to pass all of them soon. If you have a good understanding and are willing to give your time in helping me I would appreciate it. Thank you. Thank...

Alejandra T

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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Math Tutor needed
Hello i am looking for someone who can help me prepare/refresh for my upcoming CBEST math exam in October. I have a CBEST practice book that...
Hello i am looking for someone who can help me prepare/refresh for my upcoming CBEST math exam in October. I have a CBEST practice book that can help during our tutoring sessions. I would prefer someone who has already take the CBEST. And someone that would be able to meet at Fresno State on Mondays and Fridays anytime from 10am to 2pm for a couple of hours a day. I am w...

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Bao L

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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Maths/ Physics Tutor
Need help with homework, exams. I offer helping with Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trig, Pre-calculus, Cal I,II, General Physics.
Need help with homework, exams. I offer helping with Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trig, Pre-calculus, Cal I,II, General Physics.

Anton S

Fresno, California
Active over a week ago
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C++ Intro To Data Structures
Need help in c intro to data structures. First assignmeny is throwing me off. Need guidance on it.
Need help in c intro to data structures. First assignmeny is throwing me off. Need guidance on it.

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