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4 Highland Tutor Jobs Found
Estelle M
Highland, California
Active over a week ago
Seeking tutor for a 9 yr grandson.
My grandson needs help with writing, spelling & reading. Want tutor at least twice a wk. Can pay $25/30.
My grandson needs help with writing, spelling & reading. Want tutor at least twice a wk. Can pay $25/30.
Adriana M
Highland, California
Active over a week ago
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To help my child in his academic work to understand alito more
My child's need clear explanation of the academic. He need more tactics to understand better and not see it so complicated math and a lot of...
My child's need clear explanation of the academic. He need more tactics to understand better and not see it so complicated math and a lot of other subjects are thought very different from the way I learned them and theyexpected in that specific order or else is wrong.
Angelica A
Highland, California
Active over a week ago
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My son. Is Malw boy 14 years. Old Hw need. Help he is. Low in school test and grades wants. To. Lean. Math first.
I need. Somewhere close...
My son. Is Malw boy 14 years. Old Hw need. Help he is. Low in school test and grades wants. To. Lean. Math first.
I need. Somewhere close by. I am in highland. Ca. Hope you guys can help looking for free. Turor
Monica M
Highland, California
Active over a week ago
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Wanted a tutor for 6th Grade Math and Language Skills
6th grader is need of extra help with math and language skills. He was held back in 4th, passed with consideration last year and is already...
6th grader is need of extra help with math and language skills. He was held back in 4th, passed with consideration last year and is already struggling with math this year. He receives services for math and language skills from RSP at Lankershim Elementry but needs more help than I can be at this time(math is way beyond my comprehension)
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