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2 Iowa City Tutor Jobs Found
Jimmy W
Iowa City, Iowa
Active over a week ago
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My daughter needs an AP Chemistry tutor
My daughter is bright but needs some supplementary help. Weekends would work best for us but we are very flexible.
My daughter is bright but needs some supplementary help. Weekends would work best for us but we are very flexible.
Katherine` I
Iowa City, Iowa
Active over a week ago
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Someone who is patient and provides clear steps and examples.
I am taking an Introduction to Chemistry class at Kirkwood this summer. I absolutely must pass this class in order to graduate from the Uni...
I am taking an Introduction to Chemistry class at Kirkwood this summer. I absolutely must pass this class in order to graduate from the University of Wisconsin in December. I have ADD and difficulty memorizing terms. I also find math extremely satisfying. My class starts next week and I know I will need help.
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