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3 Lake Wales Tutor Jobs Found
Mark B
Lake Wales, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Seeking a tutor well versed in the uses of social media
I am a 75 year old Musician and doing OK somewhat on Facebook, but I need to use other forms of Social Media, i.e: Twitter, Google, YouTube...
I am a 75 year old Musician and doing OK somewhat on Facebook, but I need to use other forms of Social Media, i.e: Twitter, Google, YouTube and other Social Media exposures! Looking for home tutoring on my own computer, but willing to travel short distances!
Melanie W
Lake Wales, Florida
Active over a week ago
Hire Experienced Tutor in Lake Wales, Florida - $30/hr!
Are you passionate about English, Math, Reading and Writing? I am looking for a tutor to help me further my understanding of these subjects....
Are you passionate about English, Math, Reading and Writing? I am looking for a tutor to help me further my understanding of these subjects.
I am a student in Lake Wales, Florida and am willing to pay $30.0 HOURLY for the perfect tutor. If you have a wealth of knowledge and experience in English, Math, Reading and Writing, I would love to hear from you. Message me today to dis...
Elizabeth B
Lake Wales, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Lpn Nclex Exam
I took the nclex two months after graduating in October, 2007. Its now almost 10 years later and I would like to take the exam to use this...
I took the nclex two months after graduating in October, 2007. Its now almost 10 years later and I would like to take the exam to use this skill. It cost a pretty penny and I don't believe I should allow time to lapse. thanks
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