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7 Mcdonough Tutor Jobs Found
Tonjae W
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
I am in need of tutoring services to pass my real estate exam
I need a tutor twice a week in Tuesdays and Thursday evenings. I’m struggling with the math part of the test
I need a tutor twice a week in Tuesdays and Thursday evenings. I’m struggling with the math part of the test
Sommer D
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Hi I’m trying desperately to pass the state portion of the GA Real Estate Exam
Hi I’m trying desperately trying to pass the state portion of the GA Real Estate Exam. I’m looking for a tutor who can explain math concepts...
Hi I’m trying desperately trying to pass the state portion of the GA Real Estate Exam. I’m looking for a tutor who can explain math concepts and formulas on the finance and closing section.
Roxy P
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Looking for a math tutor!
We are looking for part-time Math instructors to work at our McDonough Learning Center. Applicants should have a strong math aptitude, great...
We are looking for part-time Math instructors to work at our McDonough Learning Center. Applicants should have a strong math aptitude, great communication skills, as well as a sense of humor and upbeat demeanor! Instructors will be working with students from 2nd grade through 12th grade. Students will be attending for both remedial and enrichment purposes.
You will be using ou...
Roxy P
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Looking for MATH Tutors!
Tutor kids between K-12 Grades. Elementary to High school math. Looking for ACT/SAT Prep Tutors in the area.
Tutor kids between K-12 Grades. Elementary to High school math. Looking for ACT/SAT Prep Tutors in the area.
Angela E
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Patient tutor
Child with cognitive delay due to seizures and adhd. Need a patient tutor to teach the basics up go grade level which is currently 6th
Child with cognitive delay due to seizures and adhd. Need a patient tutor to teach the basics up go grade level which is currently 6th
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Tara M
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Algebra Tutor for High School Student
I am looking for an algebra tutor for my son who is a freshman in high school.
I would like to find someone who can help prepare him for th...
I am looking for an algebra tutor for my son who is a freshman in high school.
I would like to find someone who can help prepare him for the Ga Milestone exam.
We would prefer someone to come to our home twice a week, but are willing to meet
in a public place, such as the Mcdonough Library.
James C
Mcdonough, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Ancient Greek Tutor Needed
I am a relative newcomer to Greek who would like to read and translate ancient authors like Homer and Plato.
I am a relative newcomer to Greek who would like to read and translate ancient authors like Homer and Plato.
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Creating a profile allows others to reach out to you, or letting you reach out to them
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