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6 Modesto Tutor Jobs Found
Kathy S
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Tutor/Au Pair Needed for a Sophmore in High School
We need a person that is well versed in all general AP subjects. We need someone that will help our student with his homework and study fo...
We need a person that is well versed in all general AP subjects. We need someone that will help our student with his homework and study for tests. We also need this person to pick him up from school and take him to his tennis session, since he is an avid tennis player. This person must have a car and with valid driver license and insurance, mileage is paid on top of hourly...
Valeria A
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
2 years exp.
Tagalog language teacher needed in Edmonton, AB
Language Trainers is a successful language training company working with freelance teachers of 35 different languages in over 100 cities acr...
Language Trainers is a successful language training company working with freelance teachers of 35 different languages in over 100 cities across the USA and Canada. Students are either in-company or self-funded who need to learn a language at their office or their home for work, family or travel reasons. Founded in 2004, the company’s motto is Any Language, Anytime, Anywhere!...
Fred L
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Tutor for Intelligent High School Student
Seeking a College Educated or current college student and skilled Tutor for an active and intelligent High School Junior. Must have AP class...
Seeking a College Educated or current college student and skilled Tutor for an active and intelligent High School Junior. Must have AP classes and a car. The job hours are from Mon- Fri: 2:30 pm to 7 pm. Starting Wage $16.00 hourly.
Angelo E
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Will attend jc modesto colleage
She or he will have to be all round on they education they must have all the basci class in they resume,have lots paention !
She or he will have to be all round on they education they must have all the basci class in they resume,have lots paention !
Becky S
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Twin 5th graders needing a tutor
Twin 5th grade girls need a tutor near Freedom Elementary in Modesto. We usually need an in home tutor about three hours per week.
Twin 5th grade girls need a tutor near Freedom Elementary in Modesto. We usually need an in home tutor about three hours per week.
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Efrain R
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Need computer tutor for TOR/TAILS & Bitcoin
I need someone who is knowledgeable in TOR browser and using Bitcoin. I would like to learn to purchase items online while remaining anonymo...
I need someone who is knowledgeable in TOR browser and using Bitcoin. I would like to learn to purchase items online while remaining anonymous and with extra security measures
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