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3 Montgomery Tutor Jobs Found
Cam E
Montgomery, Alabama
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Wanted in Montgomery, Alabama - $10/hr
my granddaughter just got accepted to second grade at Forest Avenue.
She needs help with reading, math, and vocabulary
my granddaughter just got accepted to second grade at Forest Avenue.
She needs help with reading, math, and vocabulary
Peter M
Montgomery, Alabama
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Needed in Montgomery, AL $25/hr
Are you an experienced tutor? I'm seeking an English tutor in Montgomery, Alabama, to help with reading and writing skills. I'm willing to p...
Are you an experienced tutor? I'm seeking an English tutor in Montgomery, Alabama, to help with reading and writing skills. I'm willing to pay $25 per hour for someone who can provide engaging and effective lessons. As a student in need of extra support, I hope to find a tutor who can help me improve my English skills and feel more confident in my abilities.
The ideal candidat...
Nikki B
Montgomery, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Help my kid, hes 6
My 6-year-old son, in first grade, is getting consistently low marks in reading and his teacher has suggested tutoring. He is very strong wi...
My 6-year-old son, in first grade, is getting consistently low marks in reading and his teacher has suggested tutoring. He is very strong willed and clams up/gets embarrassed when he struggles to understand something. If he struggles he often stops trying. He needs someone will a lot of patience and someone who is experienced in tutoring reading to young kids.
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