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2 Naples Tutor Jobs Found
Ana A
Naples, Florida
Active over a week ago
Naples, FL Tutor Needed $30/hr for 3 day 1 hour each section that would be $360 a month Friday, Saturdays and Sundays.
Are you an experienced tutor in Naples, Florida? If so, I'm Ana and I'm looking to hire someone to help my son with English, Math, Reading,...
Are you an experienced tutor in Naples, Florida? If so, I'm Ana and I'm looking to hire someone to help my son with English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. I'm willing to pay $30.0 HOURLY for the right candidate. My son name is Yordany, his 8 year old. His in the elementary school, third grade he has an IEP and some accommodations, struggling a lot in school and this is a...
Carolina S
Naples, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Ap psychology tutor
In need of a ap psychology tutor, for a senior in high school girl in Naples, thank you in advance ,.
In need of a ap psychology tutor, for a senior in high school girl in Naples, thank you in advance ,.
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