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2 North Port Tutor Jobs Found
Ray G
North Port, Florida
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Needed in North Port, FL - $20 hourly
Looking for a dedicated reading tutor in North Port, Florida who can provide individualized attention for a 3rd grade student. Paying $25.0...
Looking for a dedicated reading tutor in North Port, Florida who can provide individualized attention for a 3rd grade student. Paying $25.0 hourly. The ideal candidate should have experience in tutoring young learners and possess a strong understanding of reading strategies and phonics. The main focus will be on improving reading comprehension and fluency.
The sessions will be...
Gail C
North Port, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Middle school Math
I have a son in 7th grade and I am looking for a Math tutor to help him him with middle school Math. Someone we can meet in a library near b...
I have a son in 7th grade and I am looking for a Math tutor to help him him with middle school Math. Someone we can meet in a library near by. We are in North Port FL. I am looking to spend $20-25 an hour. He is a great kid to work with. Best with teenagers and college age tutors.
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