Looking for Tutoring Jobs in Owensboro, Kentucky?

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3 Owensboro Tutor Jobs Found

Ammie H

Owensboro, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Looking For Somebody Tutor My Daughter
I'm looking for someone to tutor my daughter. She in 8th grader and I just put her in home school! She very shy and she has learning disorde...
I'm looking for someone to tutor my daughter. She in 8th grader and I just put her in home school! She very shy and she has learning disorder but she needs one on one she can't understand when she asks for help on computer from her teacher! She needs someone for few hrs 3 days away but can't afford to pay somebody a lot of money!! We're new to Owensboro!

April H

Owensboro, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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TUTOR for praxis core exam
Hi I am looking for an individual who can work with me twice a week to get me prepared for the exam. I am taking it December 21st and want t...
Hi I am looking for an individual who can work with me twice a week to get me prepared for the exam. I am taking it December 21st and want to be as prepared as can be! Please contact me if you have done or know someone who can help! Thank you

John W

Owensboro, Kentucky
Active over a week ago
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Seeking high school pre-calculus tutor
I'm looking for a tutor for my daughter. She's struggling in her pre-cal class and teacher hasn't helped much. Need someone soon, in Owensbo...
I'm looking for a tutor for my daughter. She's struggling in her pre-cal class and teacher hasn't helped much. Need someone soon, in Owensboro.

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