Looking for Tutoring Jobs in Red Deer, Alberta?

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5 Red Deer Tutor Jobs Found

Kashan K

Red Deer, Alberta
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Begining to Advance Computer Courses Tutor
In the recent years my focus is on translating the business requirements to the technical requirements. The Business logics and lingo are te...
In the recent years my focus is on translating the business requirements to the technical requirements. The Business logics and lingo are tedious for developers to understand, I have developed enough metal in IT/IS that I am capable of being a liaison between business and development teams and I foresee full capabilities as mentioned in my objective.

Sophia C

Red Deer, Alberta
Active over a week ago
Looking for Red Deer Tutor: $15/Hr - Academic Success Guaranteed!
Hi there! My name is Sophia and I'm looking to hire a tutor for my kids to help them with their English, Math, Reading, Science and Writing....
Hi there! My name is Sophia and I'm looking to hire a tutor for my kids to help them with their English, Math, Reading, Science and Writing. I am based in Red Deer, Alberta and am looking for someone to come to our home and help my kids stay on top of their studies. We’re offering $15.0 hourly for the right tutor. If you have good knowledge and experience in the mentioned su...

Daniella H

Red Deer, Alberta
Active over a week ago
Health sciences student
Needing one on one personal tutoring. Looking to hire someone within the medical field, or with a health sciences background in anatomy and...
Needing one on one personal tutoring. Looking to hire someone within the medical field, or with a health sciences background in anatomy and physiology. Price is negotiable.

Jeb and Ashley A

Red Deer, Alberta
Active over a week ago
Jeb and Ashley looking for help for our daughter with her grade 9 math and science.
Looking for someone who can communicate with a 14 year old girl and help her with math and science grade 9. Would like to start on her Xma...
Looking for someone who can communicate with a 14 year old girl and help her with math and science grade 9. Would like to start on her Xmas break to get her caught up and her grades up in the new year.

Mike M

Red Deer, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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Heading to University needing to upgrade
Hello I am needing to do some upgrading in order to get into university next fall. Currently In need of help with Math 30-1.
Hello I am needing to do some upgrading in order to get into university next fall. Currently In need of help with Math 30-1.

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