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4 Rockford Tutor Jobs Found
Anita S
Rockford, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Tutor needed
Student going to college for education, or retired teacher ( child 8 years old in second grade). This child is my Grandson being raised by a...
Student going to college for education, or retired teacher ( child 8 years old in second grade). This child is my Grandson being raised by a single dad. Help!!!
Child needs help with all subjects Math, English- spelling -comprehension-, science. we want to start off with 3 hours a week, broken down into 1 1/2 hours 2 x a week.
compensation $15.00 an hour, willing to meet at...
Misha A
Rockford, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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This physics class could make or break my career plans :(
I am currently struggling in Physics 2! I need extra help with mirrors/lens/images. I have an exam in a few weeks and I need an 85 to get a...
I am currently struggling in Physics 2! I need extra help with mirrors/lens/images. I have an exam in a few weeks and I need an 85 to get a B in the class.
Lisa D
Rockford, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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I need a tutor ASAP
Hi my name is Lisa and I am pretty much failing at all my subjects if it were not for me being able to use the Internet for the answers. I n...
Hi my name is Lisa and I am pretty much failing at all my subjects if it were not for me being able to use the Internet for the answers. I need a tutor that is able to show me how to do the problems and how to answer them correctly . I need a tutor in pre-algebra math, English, history, and science! I don't have a lot of money to spare but am willing to pay $10 an hour like 3...
Crystal D
Rockford, Illinois
Active over a week ago
I'm Looking For A Reading/Math Tutor With Experience.
I'm looking for a reading/math tutor for my 9 year old son. The pay is $15 a hour/session. It's once a week until he gets comfortable then i...
I'm looking for a reading/math tutor for my 9 year old son. The pay is $15 a hour/session. It's once a week until he gets comfortable then it will be twice a week. Experience is a must. Must be updated with the new math.
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