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6 Saint Petersburg Tutor Jobs Found

Richard R

Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
2 years exp.
In home tutor needed
Tutor Doctor is a premier educational organization which is committed to provide both its students and tutors with a path that leads to thei...
Tutor Doctor is a premier educational organization which is committed to provide both its students and tutors with a path that leads to their success. Tutor Doctor provides one-on-one, in home tutoring for all grades, ages and subjects. We are seeking individuals who are passionate about teaching and who want to make a difference. By joining the Tutor Doctor Roster, you will ha...

Keith O

Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Geometry tutor - high school junior with Dyslexia
My 17 year old son is a hard worker but struggles with a significant case of dyslexia. He does not score well in Math because he often forg...
My 17 year old son is a hard worker but struggles with a significant case of dyslexia. He does not score well in Math because he often forgets the material and of course it's building on content each week, which hurts his ability to score well on tests. He was tutored over the summer in Biology and he got an 87 B so he has the ability to get it and keep it but it's not withou...

Haley W

Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Seeking a tutor for the PAX RN-Entrance Exam,
I took the PAX exam a few months ago, and didn't do so well. I am looking for someone who has maybe taken the PAX exam before or something...
I took the PAX exam a few months ago, and didn't do so well. I am looking for someone who has maybe taken the PAX exam before or something equivalent to it. I need help with time management as well as math and science. I am trying to apply for the nursing school again in March 2018, so I have some time to prepare this time. Feel free to text or email me. Thank you!

Cam G

Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Seeking a Tutor for the PAX RN-Entrance Exam
I am currently looking for a Tutor to help prepare me for the PAX RN-Entrance Exam, I have taken the exam once and did not do so well in the...
I am currently looking for a Tutor to help prepare me for the PAX RN-Entrance Exam, I have taken the exam once and did not do so well in the Math portion, which is not my area of expertise. If anyone has any experience with tutoring for this exam or math in general...Please feel free to send me a message. I am scheduled to take this exam at the end of February

Laura H

Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
1 years exp.
Tutors Needed! All Subjects! All Ages!
Tutors Doctor is looking for Tutors. Flexible hours and local opportunities available to you now. We are looking for experienced tutors for...
Tutors Doctor is looking for Tutors. Flexible hours and local opportunities available to you now. We are looking for experienced tutors for all grades and all subjects. Local placement and flexible hours. $10/hr to start. Call 727-828-... or email your resume to ...@....com.

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Christen J

Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Medical billing and coding tutor needed
In need of a medical billing/coding tutor. I am graduating in February and need assistance studying for my CPC and CPB. I am willing to pay...
In need of a medical billing/coding tutor. I am graduating in February and need assistance studying for my CPC and CPB. I am willing to pay 60 every two weeks (120 a mth)..please contact me via email at ...@....com or via text @ 727-644-... Thanks in advance!

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