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6 Santa Barbara Tutor Jobs Found
Scott P
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
Need a tutor
I want to go from A2 to B1 in Russian. I dont know why this website asks me a million questions. I just want a Russian tutor
I want to go from A2 to B1 in Russian. I dont know why this website asks me a million questions. I just want a Russian tutor
Ryan F
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
2nd Year Econ and Accounting Student at UCSB looking for an Econ 10a tutor.
I am looking for someone to help me with Econ 10a and help me understand the concepts a little better. Looking for someone who has done well...
I am looking for someone to help me with Econ 10a and help me understand the concepts a little better. Looking for someone who has done well in the class (A/A-).
Maddison N
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
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Need help!
Hi I'm a student at Santa Barbara city college and I am looking for someone to help me out with my class. It would be college algebra! Pleas...
Hi I'm a student at Santa Barbara city college and I am looking for someone to help me out with my class. It would be college algebra! Please respond for more details
Jonathan B
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
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Spanish tutor, preferably Argentinian.
I will be moving to Santa Barbara for 3-6months, and would like to learn Spanish. My girlfriend is Argentinean, so preferably an Argentinean...
I will be moving to Santa Barbara for 3-6months, and would like to learn Spanish. My girlfriend is Argentinean, so preferably an Argentinean tutor would be best.
Trevor B
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
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Contemporary nutrition tutor ASAP
It is the science behind nutrition and I am in need of a tutor for help in this class. I am not familiar with it and it is kicking my butt....
It is the science behind nutrition and I am in need of a tutor for help in this class. I am not familiar with it and it is kicking my butt. Price can be discussed upon contact.
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Jen D
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
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French Tutor for Children ages 8 and 10 until June 2015
Our family is moving to Geneva in June and while I speak French, I am hoping to have a tutor work with my kids in a fun way 1 hour a week i...
Our family is moving to Geneva in June and while I speak French, I am hoping to have a tutor work with my kids in a fun way 1 hour a week initially, maybe more as we get closer to establish some very basic understanding of French vocabulary and grammar. I would like to pay $20 per hour. Schedule can be flexible but prefer weekends and/or evenings.
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