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4 Santa Clara Tutor Jobs Found
Phillip B
Santa Clara, California
Active over a week ago
I am looking for a reliable teacher
I am a good man that needs someone to teach me in English. I have a good sense of humor. You will enjoy to be around me
I am a good man that needs someone to teach me in English. I have a good sense of humor. You will enjoy to be around me
Swati V
Santa Clara, California
Active over a week ago
Flexible on the per hour rate and flexible on the schedule. Kid has qualified for AIMe
Flexible on the per hour rate and flexible on the schedule. Kid has already made AIME and needs to further his skills to qualify for USAJMO...
Flexible on the per hour rate and flexible on the schedule. Kid has already made AIME and needs to further his skills to qualify for USAJMO if possible.
Sara T
Santa Clara, California
Active over a week ago
5 Yr Old Needing Help With Sight Words And Math
I'm looking for a tutor for my 5 year old son. He is in kinder, didn't do much preschool only day care. And I regret it! He needs help recog...
I'm looking for a tutor for my 5 year old son. He is in kinder, didn't do much preschool only day care. And I regret it! He needs help recognizing letters and numbers, and sight words. He isn't retaining the information he's learning and he's not confident at all.
Amr E
Santa Clara, California
Active over a week ago
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WANTED: Tutor for BYU Algebra 2, Part 1
I need a Tutor to prepare my son for the final exam of BYU Algebra 2, Part 1:
And to tutor him for BYU Algebra 2, Part...
I need a Tutor to prepare my son for the final exam of BYU Algebra 2, Part 1:
And to tutor him for BYU Algebra 2, Part 2 course, after he takes the exam
Exam must be completed around the 10/18/16 timeframe
Tutor must be local to the SF Bay Area
Preferred tutoring days are: M & W after 1 pm and T & Th after 3 pm
Please send me a summary of your...
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