Looking for Tutoring Jobs in Savannah, Georgia?

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6 Savannah Tutor Jobs Found

Alexis W

Savannah, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Wanted in Savannah, GA - Join Our Team Today! $10/hourly
Are you a skilled tutor in Savannah, Georgia with expertise in English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing? I'm looking for someone who is...
Are you a skilled tutor in Savannah, Georgia with expertise in English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing? I'm looking for someone who is passionate about education and can help my child learn knowledge in these subjects. As a client, I am willing to pay $10.00 per hour for your dedicated tutoring services. In particular, she’ll need assistance in English to enhance her read...

Liwandra S

Savannah, Georgia
Active over a week ago
Junior in high school needs help with AP CALCULUS
Tutor that can help in AP CALCULUS, someone high motivated. Easy to understand. Patient females only
Tutor that can help in AP CALCULUS, someone high motivated. Easy to understand. Patient females only

Alex M

Savannah, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Need help
I am a student at Georgia Southern (Armstrong) listed in Savannah, Georgia. I need help with my writing skills.
I am a student at Georgia Southern (Armstrong) listed in Savannah, Georgia. I need help with my writing skills.

Jennifer C

Savannah, Georgia
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Online Math Tutor!
Hello! My name is Jennifer Campbell. I'm a certified math teacher for grades 6-12. I have been teaching and tutoring for over 7 years. I am...
Hello! My name is Jennifer Campbell. I'm a certified math teacher for grades 6-12. I have been teaching and tutoring for over 7 years. I am currently teaching Geometry and Calculus in a virtual high school. Online tutoring is the next big thing! Check out my website for more information: http://....com/ In an online format, the student can learn from the comfort of their...

Candia S

Savannah, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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looking for an excellent tutor for my 3rd grade child. needs help with reading and math. need someone with flexible hours. maybe two days du...
looking for an excellent tutor for my 3rd grade child. needs help with reading and math. need someone with flexible hours. maybe two days during the week day and possibly on the weekends.

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Benjamin M

Savannah, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Taxicab Tutor of Savannah
Want to be a Taxicab Driver in Savannah? After 1st submitting legal documentation to the City of Savannah, you must pass a knowledgeabl...
Want to be a Taxicab Driver in Savannah? After 1st submitting legal documentation to the City of Savannah, you must pass a knowledgeable test before being permitted. I will teach you the complete Savannah Code for $50.00, complete with a sixteen hour intensive training. Data testing material as well as on-the-road training. I am knowledgeable of the city not only f...

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