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3 Scottsdale Tutor Jobs Found
Karren S
Scottsdale, Arizona
Active over a week ago
Hello i am looking for a Math tutor for my son.
Hello, My name is Karren, I seek a Math tutor for my son Phil 7th grade student, Due to my work schedule, I wont be able to write you much o...
Hello, My name is Karren, I seek a Math tutor for my son Phil 7th grade student, Due to my work schedule, I wont be able to write you much on here, I want you to email me back with following information: Your area of residence,total cost of tutoring for 1 month (1 hour per day 2 times/week),your years of teaching experience and proposed time schedule for the lessons due to you...
Diana W
Scottsdale, Arizona
Active over a week ago
Mandarin Tutor
looking for a tutor to teach me to read and write mandarin, I can speak the language pretty fluently being born in china.
looking for a tutor to teach me to read and write mandarin, I can speak the language pretty fluently being born in china.
Abigail N
Scottsdale, Arizona
Active over a week ago
AvidBrain $40-$60/hr
"AvidBrain is the leader in on-demand tutoring where all of our tutors are both interviewed and background checked. We’ll have you learning...
"AvidBrain is the leader in on-demand tutoring where all of our tutors are both interviewed and background checked. We’ll have you learning what you want to learn in no time at all."
Tutor in subjects ranging from: Elementary English, Math, Science, Social Studies etc- Graduate level courses, Test and College Preparation and much more!
Choose your own: pay rate, tutoring ti...
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