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3 Tempe Tutor Jobs Found
Nicole B
Tempe, Arizona
Active over a week ago
Tempe, AZ Tutoring Job - $20/hr - Flexible Hours - Great Opportunity!
Hello! I'm Nicole, and I'm looking for a passionate tutor in the Tempe, Arizona area. I'm looking for someone who specializes in reading and...
Hello! I'm Nicole, and I'm looking for a passionate tutor in the Tempe, Arizona area. I'm looking for someone who specializes in reading and can help my son and daughter reach their goals. I'm willing to pay $20.0 HOURLY for a tutor who is experienced and knowledgeable in this area.
If you're interested in this opportunity, please don't hesitate to message me. I'm eager to fi...
DaeKim P
Tempe, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Computer Science Student
Need help and guidance with math and computer science related questions, assignments, and study preparation.
Need help and guidance with math and computer science related questions, assignments, and study preparation.
Heidi M
Tempe, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Tutor Needed C++ Programming
Tutor(s) needed. Must be proficient in C Programming. This is for a college sophomore boy. Good student but has difficulty with retention....
Tutor(s) needed. Must be proficient in C Programming. This is for a college sophomore boy. Good student but has difficulty with retention.
Location would be at UAT, located at 2525 E Baseline Road in Tempe?
If interested please text or call Heidi at 719-502-... with your rates. I will then put you in touch with my son to schedule times.
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