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4 Torrance Tutor Jobs Found
Tania L
Torrance, California
Active over a week ago
Montessori and Mandarin tutor for 2.5 year old. $20-40/hour depending on experience
Looking for a Montessori tutor and a Chinese tutor for my 2.5 year old daughter. Must have experience in a school setting and with toddlers...
Looking for a Montessori tutor and a Chinese tutor for my 2.5 year old daughter. Must have experience in a school setting and with toddlers this age.
Michelle R
Torrance, California
Active over a week ago
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Some One Patient, Focused And Clear
I need a tutor to break things down in a simple step by step process. I have trouble retaining information and focusing on studying I just n...
I need a tutor to break things down in a simple step by step process. I have trouble retaining information and focusing on studying I just need someone to help clarify things i dont understand and help me develop better test taking skils.
Torrance, California
Active over a week ago
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MathCounts AMC10
Preparation for middle school and high school math competitions such as AMC, USAMO, MathCounts, etc.
Preparation for middle school and high school math competitions such as AMC, USAMO, MathCounts, etc.
Ryan W
Torrance, California
Active over a week ago
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Can articulate math concepts
Transfer to El Camino College, looking for help with a class. Always struggled with Math concepts and looking to meet on or off campus.
Transfer to El Camino College, looking for help with a class. Always struggled with Math concepts and looking to meet on or off campus.
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