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3 Aurora Tutors Found
Mayra S
Aurora, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Specialize in chemistry, History and Spanish
My name is Mayra S I am a high school student, I have very good grades in my clases, and I would love to help someone to get better grades....
My name is Mayra S I am a high school student, I have very good grades in my clases, and I would love to help someone to get better grades. I understand the struggle of the students because I am one of them, and I can help them to get better at school. I am a very patient person, and I specialize in History, chemistry, and Spanish (tambien ablo español).
Karen L
Aurora, Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
11 years exp.
Elementary Education Tutor available
I am a licensed to teach elementary education K-9. Over 11 years experience in the education field. I have worked as a teacher, paraprofessi...
I am a licensed to teach elementary education K-9. Over 11 years experience in the education field. I have worked as a teacher, paraprofessional and tutor. Experience working with elementary and special education students in public, private and parochial schools.
Jacquelyn L
Aurora, Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 9.00/hour
Recently started
Tutor avaiable to help today
Hey my name is Jacquelyn, I am 20 years old. I look forward to working with you. I am good at music, english, writing, chemistry, drama, th...
Hey my name is Jacquelyn, I am 20 years old. I look forward to working with you. I am good at music, english, writing, chemistry, drama, theology, computer classes, criminal law enforcement, sociology, and anything to do with the arts.
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