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3 Bedford Tutors Found
Zac R
Bedford, Texas
Active over a week ago
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College and High School math tutoring
I have been active in several different math competitions, including; Jim Bolen's intercollegiate math competition, mathcounts...
I have been active in several different math competitions, including; Jim Bolen's intercollegiate math competition, mathcounts and mathtrack.
I can tutor in all high school maths, including Pre-calculus, Geometry, and Algebra.
Also, college student may seek help in Pre-calculus, College Algebra, Calculus I or any introductory courses.
I have long been t...
Eniola S
Bedford, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Excellent Maths and Science tutor available today, experienced with introducing children to science and engineering
I am an engineer who loves to help kids learn and understand mathematical and scientific principles! I am available to tutor kids from Grade...
I am an engineer who loves to help kids learn and understand mathematical and scientific principles! I am available to tutor kids from Grade 4 - High School in Pre-algebra, Algebra I&II, Calculus and Physics.
Amber C
Bedford, Texas
Active over a week ago
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See it, Do it, Show it!
That's how I teach. Visually demonstrate, allow the student to do it for themselves, then have the student demonstrate. This teaches the mat...
That's how I teach. Visually demonstrate, allow the student to do it for themselves, then have the student demonstrate. This teaches the material and teaches the student how to think, rather than just focusing on rote memorization. I aim to teach students skills rather than just information.
I handle most subjects (except music) up to grade 7. And am availble from 6pm to 9pm...
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