Hire a Tutor in Findlay, Ohio
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2 Findlay Tutors Found
David H
Findlay, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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Mandarin Tutor
Native Mandarin speaker offering private classes to students of any level
Will tutor students taking SAT Chinese.
Willing to be a conv...
Native Mandarin speaker offering private classes to students of any level
Will tutor students taking SAT Chinese.
Willing to be a conversation partner if you're someone who just needs to practice once a week in order not to forget the language.
Ricky L
Findlay, Ohio
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
reading, writing, Spelling, etc. Tutoring
A tutor provides expertise, experience, and encouragement.
They do not provide "answers," but rather assist in problem solvin...
A tutor provides expertise, experience, and encouragement.
They do not provide "answers," but rather assist in problem solving, in getting answers.
The challenge is to focus on assignments within the context they are assigned.
Tutors should not be expected to diagnose learning disabilities.
Diagnosis should take place outside of the tutoring process by a...
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