Hire a Tutor in Inverness, Florida
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2 Inverness Tutors Found
Sarah C
Inverness, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Tutor Available Today
I am a single mother who is a full-time college student studying to become an Elementary School teacher. I will have my Associates degree in...
I am a single mother who is a full-time college student studying to become an Elementary School teacher. I will have my Associates degree in December. I also work for the Citrus County School Board as a substitute teacher. I am up to date on the new curriculum and believe that any student that I tutor will thrive in their academics with me at their side.
I live in Inverness...
Andrea C
Inverness, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Senior Elementary Ed Student with Experience looking to Tutor Elementary Age Students
I am currently a senior at the University of West Florida and majoring in Elementary Education. I am looking to tutor elementary students in...
I am currently a senior at the University of West Florida and majoring in Elementary Education. I am looking to tutor elementary students in the Inverness, FL area after school at the local library for an hour on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
I recently had to resign from my job as a Title 1 teaching assistant at a local elementary school in order to become a full time...
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