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2 Kokomo Tutors Found
Angela B
Kokomo, Indiana
Active over a week ago
From 10.00/hour
2 years exp.
Education Major willing to tutor
College honor student and future educator is able to provide tutoring services and teach study skills based on individual learning style. 7...
College honor student and future educator is able to provide tutoring services and teach study skills based on individual learning style. 7th grade through college sophmore in Kokomo, In area.
Molly A
Kokomo, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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English Tutor
I am currently a stay at home, but I have worked at both Kokomo High School and Western High School teaching English. I have done everything...
I am currently a stay at home, but I have worked at both Kokomo High School and Western High School teaching English. I have done everything from remediation to SAT prep, and I love working with students one on one or in small group settings to identify their problem areas. I received my Bachelor's Degree in English Education from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2010 and my Mast...
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