Hire a Tutor in Marmora, Ontario
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2 Marmora Tutors Found
Leah S
Marmora, Ontario
Active over a week ago
From 14.00/hour
Engaging energetic high school student available to tutor k-6
Looking to help children with homework, teach them learning strategy’s and different ways of accomplishing their Work. Every student learns...
Looking to help children with homework, teach them learning strategy’s and different ways of accomplishing their Work. Every student learns differently and I will cater to your child based on his/her needs.
Steven D
Marmora, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Tutor Or Higher
My name is Steven Dopking and I am a hard working person that enjoys working with kids and watching them as the light in there head turns on...
My name is Steven Dopking and I am a hard working person that enjoys working with kids and watching them as the light in there head turns on when they learn something new. I volunteer at a public school in madoc ontario and i have been given a letter of reference from a teacher there and the principal. I am very reliable and i have a flexable schedule. Please contact me if you...
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