Hire a Tutor in Monterey Park, California
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2 Monterey Park Tutors Found
Robert D
Monterey Park, California
Active over a week ago
From 14.00/hour
Looking to assist a youth in their acclaim to a successful life.
Hello, My name is Robert Delacruz and I live in Monterey Park California. I am an Independent Notary Public for the State of California. I a...
Hello, My name is Robert Delacruz and I live in Monterey Park California. I am an Independent Notary Public for the State of California. I am 29 years old and attended, although never finished, College. I know everything about computers and the internet and am Knowledgeable in Accounting though I myself am not an Accountant. Please feel free to contact me with any questions and...
Alicia X
Monterey Park, California
Active over a week ago
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Maths & GRE (quantitative) tutor
Hi, my name is Alicia. I have a Master's degree in Physics and was the top student in the Physics department (won Academic Excellence Award)...
Hi, my name is Alicia. I have a Master's degree in Physics and was the top student in the Physics department (won Academic Excellence Award). I am very good at GRE and got full score in the quantitative part ( the score report attached). I will show you my GRE report, university ID and Award certificate when we meet!
I have been working as a Teaching Assistant in the Univers...
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