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2 Peabody Tutors Found
Carl S
Peabody, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Tutor of English as a Second Language
I am an experienced Tutor of E.S.L. who has taught large and small classes and individuals too for 10 years straight now, as an extension Mi...
I am an experienced Tutor of E.S.L. who has taught large and small classes and individuals too for 10 years straight now, as an extension Mission of my church here for a small monthly fee which goes for a donation to the church, materials and supplies, and a separate Mission to help single Moms in the Philippines with any surplus. I do this only as an activity and a social outl...
Sophia R
Peabody, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Reading, Writing, and/or Grammar Tutoring!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
My name is Sophia and I am a 20 year old college student studying psychology. I als...
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
My name is Sophia and I am a 20 year old college student studying psychology. I also am a part-time receptionist at a Hair Salon. I hope to one day be a clinical psychologist and open my own practice! However, in the meantime, I am looking for a job helping children do better in school. Any age is fine with me. I am able...
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