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4 Sayville Tutors Found
Anne S
Sayville, New York
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Highest Quality Tutor Trained from Harvard Nobel Prize Winner! Ivy League, University Professor
Students Dramatically Advance from Low D's to A's in nearly 3 weeks!
Intelligentia Professional Academic Support. College Professor with...
Students Dramatically Advance from Low D's to A's in nearly 3 weeks!
Intelligentia Professional Academic Support. College Professor with Ivy League Credentials, Licensed. Students Advance from low D's to A's, and eventually learn ideally to teach themselves. Specialized academic support in all subjects, not just standardized examinations. We have dramatically saved students...
Anne Marie S
Sayville, New York
Active over a week ago
From 60.00/hour
30 years exp.
Dramatically Accelerate from Low D's to A's in just 3 weeks! All Science, Math, Healthcare. Ivy League, Professor
Earn Above and Beyond Standard National Final Examination Averages in Fewer Lessons! Dramatically Accelerate from Low D's to A's in just th...
Earn Above and Beyond Standard National Final Examination Averages in Fewer Lessons! Dramatically Accelerate from Low D's to A's in just three weeks! All levels of science, mathematics and related disciplines from high school to advanced college and university. Learn from a highly experienced, concerned University Professor, Ivy League, Alumni Columbia University NY, NY....
Viktoria P
Sayville, New York
Active over a week ago
From 30.00/hour
10 years exp.
Tutoring available: Multi-lingual, Masters in Psychology
My name is Viktoria. I hold a Master's degree in Psychology from Adelphi University, and a Baccalaureate degree in Substance A...
My name is Viktoria. I hold a Master's degree in Psychology from Adelphi University, and a Baccalaureate degree in Substance Abuse and Counseling from Russell Sage College. I have a strong background in the field of Psychology. My professional background is mainly in Counseling, Substance Abuse and Developmental Disabilities. However, that's not all I do. I can h...
Katie O
Sayville, New York
Active over a week ago
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Sat Tutor also Available for All Subjects and Grades!
I am a Stony Brook University pre-med student. I love to help others do their best. I am experienced in tutoring for the Critical Reading p...
I am a Stony Brook University pre-med student. I love to help others do their best. I am experienced in tutoring for the Critical Reading portion of the SAT as well as many other topics such as, Algebra, Chemistry, Spanish, Writing, and many more. I am flexible with hours and costs. Let me know if your child needs help with anything and we can work something out to make sure t...
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