Hire a Tutor in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
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2 Sun Prairie Tutors Found
Ian D
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Active over a week ago
From 13.00/hour
Hello students and learners, I am a young Hoosier who recently moved to Madison. I grew up in a multi-cultural environment.
I am interested in helping someone excel in their vocabulary and conversational Spanish. I have created extensive curriculum and can assign...
I am interested in helping someone excel in their vocabulary and conversational Spanish. I have created extensive curriculum and can assign multiple worksheets on a weekly basis to allow you to thrive in speaking Spanish!
Nathan L
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Active over a week ago
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Affordable Math Tutor
Licensed Educator for 10 years. Will raise your grades in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, physics, ACT or GRE. $35 for an hour...
Licensed Educator for 10 years. Will raise your grades in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, physics, ACT or GRE. $35 for an hour. $60 for two hours. Serving the Madison and surrounding areas.
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