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5 Waterford Tutors Found
Jing X
Waterford, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Math HW help, Tutor
My name is Jing, I have a B.S degree in electrical engineering. I graduated in May, 2014 from Ohio State University and currently...
My name is Jing, I have a B.S degree in electrical engineering. I graduated in May, 2014 from Ohio State University and currently work at an automotive company. I am a friendly, trustworthy, and patient person.
Full score in SAT math, High score in SAT II math.
Member of Honors society of electrical engineering
Tutors for two years for honors soc...
Lisa C
Waterford, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
I will be offering tutoring services for those in pre-school thru 8th grade. Subjects include basic math, reading, writing, Grammar etc. I w...
I will be offering tutoring services for those in pre-school thru 8th grade. Subjects include basic math, reading, writing, Grammar etc. I will also be tutoring adults currently attending school to train as a medical assistant. I charge $15/hr. Further details will be given through direct contact. Example: email, phone, text. Serious inquiries only. If interested email me at .....
Alexis G
Waterford, Michigan
Active over a week ago
From 12.00/hour
Worried about your children over the summer? Tutor available!
My name is Alexis Goll. I am 16 years of age, going into my senior year at Waterford Mott. This summer I plan to offer tutoring services as...
My name is Alexis Goll. I am 16 years of age, going into my senior year at Waterford Mott. This summer I plan to offer tutoring services as well as babysitting.
My strengths include English, reading, and science. I am skilled in mathematics as well. To give ethical background to my strengths, I can inform that I am writing a novel as of now (if you are interested in seeing my...
Lisa C
Waterford, Michigan
Active over a week ago
From 30.00/hour
Recently started
Tutoring Services
I am offering tutoring services in Reading, English, and Basic math for preschool through 7th grade. I will also be tutoring adults currentl...
I am offering tutoring services in Reading, English, and Basic math for preschool through 7th grade. I will also be tutoring adults currently training to be medcal assistants. My hours of operation are Mon,Tue,Thursday, and Fri from 6 pm to 8 pm, Wed from 4 pm to 7 pm and Sat and Sun from 1 pm to 5 pm. Please keep in mind that days and hours are subject to change due to wether...
Greg M
Waterford, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Mathematics Tutor
Hello, My name is Greg. I am a Mathematics Instructor and just recently graduated in spring 2014 with my masters degree in Mathematics. I...
Hello, My name is Greg. I am a Mathematics Instructor and just recently graduated in spring 2014 with my masters degree in Mathematics. I have 6 years of tutoring/teaching experience. I tutor courses ranging from Introductory Algebra - Calculus 2. Please feel free to contact me. I will be living in Waterford starting in September and am willing to travel to the clients res...
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