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2 Woodstock Tutors Found
Michael S
Woodstock, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Professional, Caring English Tutor
Experienced in-home tutor available weekday and weekend afternoons. I have a Bachelor's in English, an ESL teaching certification along with...
Experienced in-home tutor available weekday and weekend afternoons. I have a Bachelor's in English, an ESL teaching certification along with 5 yrs. tutoring and classroom teaching experience. Patient, courteous, professional and available to the Woodstock/ Putnam/ Thompson areas with flexible hours. Clean background check and references are available. Besides English & ESL, I...
Rebecca B
Woodstock, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
From 30.00/hour
Experienced Tutor
I am an experienced tutor with over 1000 hours tutoring math, science, and computers. I have worked for high schools, colleges, and tutoring...
I am an experienced tutor with over 1000 hours tutoring math, science, and computers. I have worked for high schools, colleges, and tutoring agencies for the past 6 years and have helped hundreds of students improve their grades.
Subjects include:
Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus, Differential Equations, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering Sta...
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