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2 Akron Tutor Jobs Found
Sheila L
Akron, Ohio
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Wanted in Akron, OH - $20/hr - Apply Now!
Are you a skilled tutor in English, Math, or Reading? I'm looking for a dedicated and experienced tutor to help with these subjects. If you...
Are you a skilled tutor in English, Math, or Reading? I'm looking for a dedicated and experienced tutor to help with these subjects. If you have a passion for teaching and are confident in your ability to help students improve in these areas, I'd love to hear from you.
I'm seeking a tutor who can effectively explain concepts and provide guidance to help students excel in their...
Samantha C
Akron, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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G E D tutuoring
I'm currently studying for my Ged. I don't have the time to go to classes for it so I wanted to get somebody to work with hands on a couple...
I'm currently studying for my Ged. I don't have the time to go to classes for it so I wanted to get somebody to work with hands on a couple times a week. Mon-Wednesday would be the best for me right now because it's the days I'm off from work. I mainly need help in science and math, but I could use it in English as well. I haven't been to school in a while so a lot of things ar...
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