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5 Chico Tutor Jobs Found
William H
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
College student looking to pass the CBEST.
Looking to hire a writing tutor who is experienced with college/post-college writing and/or test taking techniques.
Looking to hire a writing tutor who is experienced with college/post-college writing and/or test taking techniques.
Robin W
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
Math and Spanish
Hello. I have a PVHS sophomore that could use Math and Spanish help. I am looking for someone that can assess and create a lesson plan for e...
Hello. I have a PVHS sophomore that could use Math and Spanish help. I am looking for someone that can assess and create a lesson plan for each subject for you meetings. 1xp/week for 1.5 hours would be good. Thank you.
Yousef G
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
advanced college level C++ object oriented programming
help understand advanced concepts of object oriented programming using c . for example, sorting algorithms
help understand advanced concepts of object oriented programming using c . for example, sorting algorithms
Darlene N
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
Need assistance with a grant proposal
I am looking for help to write a proposal for a grant. It is a small project, but out of my comfort zone in the writing field.
I am looking for help to write a proposal for a grant. It is a small project, but out of my comfort zone in the writing field.
Erica B
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
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APA assistance
I am looking for someone to assist me in APA format for a grad school report. I have used APA, but was an undergrad English major and am mor...
I am looking for someone to assist me in APA format for a grad school report. I have used APA, but was an undergrad English major and am more familiar with MLA. My grammar/conventions are pretty strong, so don't need instruction in this area. Do not need help with content at all, just APA format/citations.
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