Tutor Jobs in Golden, Colorado, USA including math
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2 Golden Tutor Jobs Found
Rosa B
Golden, Colorado
Active over a week ago
Seeking Experienced Tutor in Golden, Colorado - $15/hr - Flexible Hours!
Are you an enthusiastic tutor who is passionate about helping students excel in Math, Reading, and Writing? If so, I am looking for someone...
Are you an enthusiastic tutor who is passionate about helping students excel in Math, Reading, and Writing? If so, I am looking for someone like you to join our team in Golden, Colorado! I am seeking a dedicated tutor to provide academic support to students in these subjects. The hourly pay is $15.0, and the flexible schedule makes it convenient for both students and tutors.
Charlotte B
Golden, Colorado
Active over a week ago
Experienced Tutor Needed in Golden, CO - $25/hr. Apply Now!
My daughter is a Junior at Golden High School and she is taking AP Calculus, AP Biology and Chemistry and could use some extra help in all s...
My daughter is a Junior at Golden High School and she is taking AP Calculus, AP Biology and Chemistry and could use some extra help in all subjects. She is a fast learner and very motivated but is finding these subjects a little challenging and would benefit from having a tutor. We are looking for someone within 10 miles of Golden, perhaps a Colorado School of Mines student.
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