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2 Grand Junction Tutor Jobs Found
Katharina S
Grand Junction, Colorado
Active over a week ago
Hello, we need a tutor for my 6yo daughter who’s in first grade
My daughter is 6 years old and in first grade. She needs help with math and reading. She is dyslexic and ADHD as well. We would like someone...
My daughter is 6 years old and in first grade. She needs help with math and reading. She is dyslexic and ADHD as well. We would like someone to come to our home once maybe twice a week for an hour or two (30mins to an hour each subject). She’s very smart but lack’s confidence! She’s very emotion girl so we need someone who is easy going and will not get frustrated otherwise sh...
Jeanine S
Grand Junction, Colorado
Active over a week ago
Special Education Teacher need in my home for 17 year old girl with Autism and Mental Ilness
I am looking to hire a Special Educstion teacher with experience to tutor my 17 year old daughter in Math, Science , English, Social Studie...
I am looking to hire a Special Educstion teacher with experience to tutor my 17 year old daughter in Math, Science , English, Social Studies, and Study Skills.
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