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2 Hagerstown Tutor Jobs Found
Hagerstown, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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ESL Tutor needed
Seeking an ESL Tutor for a student in Hagerstown, MD for Global LT, a language training company based in Troy, MI. Our students are corporat...
Seeking an ESL Tutor for a student in Hagerstown, MD for Global LT, a language training company based in Troy, MI. Our students are corporate employees and their family members and classes are conducted face-to-face in the student’s home or office. Our contract tutors provide personalized lessons for individual or small group classes.
All applicants should ha...
Darren V
Hagerstown, Maryland
Active over a week ago
Need a Tutor in AA in Gen Studies
hello, I am Disabled Vet, Medically retired from Army after 14 years. I am focused on furthering my education however I am struggling with m...
hello, I am Disabled Vet, Medically retired from Army after 14 years. I am focused on furthering my education however I am struggling with my studies due to my Traumatic Brain Injury sustained in combat and I need a tutor to help me along. I am quite civilized, I assure you, it just is hard getting back into school, as I joined the Army at 17 and just got out in June. I attend...
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