Looking for Tutoring Jobs in Kissimmee, Florida?

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5 Kissimmee Tutor Jobs Found

tisha j

Kissimmee, Florida
Active over a week ago
Look For Tutor For 3rd Grade Abeka Curriculum
willing to offer $20 a hour 2x a week. looking for someone who can assist with motivating my child with learning new things.
willing to offer $20 a hour 2x a week. looking for someone who can assist with motivating my child with learning new things.

Sonler A

Kissimmee, Florida
Active over a week ago
Looking for a tutor for my mother so she can learn how to read, write, and use a computer on her own all in English
I’m looking for an dedicated and patient tutor who’s Creole and Haitian well enough to assist my mom
I’m looking for an dedicated and patient tutor who’s Creole and Haitian well enough to assist my mom

Athena D

Kissimmee, Florida
Active over a week ago
My name is Athena looking for a tutor for my 6yr son.
Looking for a tutor to help him with curriculum with 1st school work assigned he is doing digital learning
Looking for a tutor to help him with curriculum with 1st school work assigned he is doing digital learning

Denise M

Kissimmee, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Respiratory tutor
I am a full-time respiratory student getting ready to take the state board. Looking for someone to tutor me please contact me at 4:07 334......
I am a full-time respiratory student getting ready to take the state board. Looking for someone to tutor me please contact me at 4:07 334... Denise.

Wanda F

Kissimmee, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Tutor needed for ESL, ELA and Math to work with Youths and Adults.
We are a Tutoring and ESL Instruction center needing tutors in the following areas: ESL (English as a Second Language) for youths and adult...
We are a Tutoring and ESL Instruction center needing tutors in the following areas: ESL (English as a Second Language) for youths and adults. ELA (English Language Arts) for all ages and grades Math for all ages -Specially High School math Portuguese (preferably Brazilian Portuguese). What do we look for in a Tutor? *The qualified candidate has to be flexible and able...

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