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2 Lake Charles Tutor Jobs Found
Irina M
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
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MATH tutor for 7 y.o. girl
Need a math tutor for soon to be 7 years old girl.
First-second grade math.
2-3 times a week during the summer, possible doing coming scho...
Need a math tutor for soon to be 7 years old girl.
First-second grade math.
2-3 times a week during the summer, possible doing coming school year too.
I would like someone who can make math interesting and showing several different ways to solve the problems to keep her interested and focused. Can work at your place but would prefer my house.
Knowledge of Common Core would...
Sarah H
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Need a tutor asap!
Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 18 years old and was supposed to graduate last year around may. I've been homeschooled and since 10th grade. And I was ahe...
Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 18 years old and was supposed to graduate last year around may. I've been homeschooled and since 10th grade. And I was ahead of my class and would've graduated 6 months ahead of time if I would've done the lessons. But I slacked a lot and didn't finish. So I figured I would start back up and graduate with my class. Found out my father got liver cancer around m...
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