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2 Muncie Tutor Jobs Found
Brittany K
Muncie, Indiana
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Mother of a smart and witty 9 year old seeking help with school lessons
Hello, I am looking for a tutor to help my 9 year old son with e-learning assignments and lessons. He attends a private christian based scho...
Hello, I am looking for a tutor to help my 9 year old son with e-learning assignments and lessons. He attends a private christian based school in town so finding someone with a faith-based background or knowledge is a plus but not required. We need someone who is smart, fun, and loving working with children to help. Pay is negotiable and in-home visits are permitted as well.
Marrissa W
Muncie, Indiana
Active over a week ago
No experience needed
I am Marrissa and I am offering $12 per hour to help me pass my physics 110 class.
I need help with my physics 110 class. I am very far behind and sort of have no idea what I’m doing. I need plenty of help and all of my qui...
I need help with my physics 110 class. I am very far behind and sort of have no idea what I’m doing. I need plenty of help and all of my quizzes and assignments and lab reports are due before November 24th. I really need at least a B to pass this class for the semester.
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