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6 Sarasota Tutor Jobs Found
Kristopher L
Sarasota, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I’m 23 years old and looking for a mentor
A mentor, tutor or resource that has prior experience in investing by stocks real estate and business in general.
A mentor, tutor or resource that has prior experience in investing by stocks real estate and business in general.
Carlos M
Sarasota, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Maya Tutor
I am currently enrolled in Ringling College of Art and Design I am a sophomore studying computer animation. This is the first semester...
I am currently enrolled in Ringling College of Art and Design I am a sophomore studying computer animation. This is the first semester that I have been using Maya I get the general idea but get stuck in certain processes and am looking to understand the program better so that I might be able to get my projects accomplished in a better amount of time.
I am located in Flori...
Daysha W
Sarasota, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Nclex prep
Test taking
Feeling confident
Someone who can Help me get a schedule .................
Nclex prep
Test taking
Feeling confident
Someone who can Help me get a schedule .................
Deirdre A
Sarasota, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Busy and overwhelmed mom needs tutor for easily distracted 5th grader / $25.00 hour
My child needs tutoring in reading comprehension and general test preparation for the FSA. He is currently doing review quizzes at school a...
My child needs tutoring in reading comprehension and general test preparation for the FSA. He is currently doing review quizzes at school and the results are not so great. He struggles with remembering what he reads. He does better with math; however, he has specific problems with geometry.
Jennifer W
Sarasota, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Chemistry Tutor needed
In need of a chemistry tutor for College Chemistry 101. Looking for some one to start from the very beginning with me to help me get a bette...
In need of a chemistry tutor for College Chemistry 101. Looking for some one to start from the very beginning with me to help me get a better understanding of the subject and pass final with an A. If you can help and are reasonably priced please email or text ...@gmail.com 94153957...
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April T
Sarasota, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Biology and Business HL IB & college interview prep
Seeking Biology HL and Business HL IB tutor and a college interview prep tutor for my daughters this summer.
Seeking Biology HL and Business HL IB tutor and a college interview prep tutor for my daughters this summer.
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