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3 Tamarac Tutor Jobs Found
Betty S
Tamarac, Florida
Active over a week ago
I’m looking for a Nclex tutor
Karen A
Tamarac, Florida
Active over a week ago
Reading tutor needed for 5 year old
I am a single mom, COVID negative, looking for a reading tutor for my 5 year old son who will he entering kindergarten. Since quarantine, I’...
I am a single mom, COVID negative, looking for a reading tutor for my 5 year old son who will he entering kindergarten. Since quarantine, I’ve been working two jobs remotely and raising my other 2 year old toddler. It’s been exceptionally more difficult to focus on my son’s reading and phonics deficiencies. Looking to hire someone in the Tamarac area to work with him 2-3 times...
Elischeba V
Tamarac, Florida
Active over a week ago
Need reading help for my Kindergarten child
I need a tutor for my Kindergarten child. She is a beginning reader who needs help with comprehension and reading. She needs help with phoni...
I need a tutor for my Kindergarten child. She is a beginning reader who needs help with comprehension and reading. She needs help with phonics, decoding and understanding fiction and non fiction books at her level. I think she also needs help focusing and paying attention to what is being asked about a story
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